


Notre vignoble se situe sur les coteaux vallonnés des communes de Meurville, Couvignon et Bligny au cœur de la Côte des Bar, en Champagne.

Les trois cépages emblématiques de la Champagne (Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier et Chardonnay) sont présents dans notre vignoble de 11 hectares mais c’est le Pinot Noir qui y est majoritaire à 80 %.

Déjà labellisé VDC (Viticulture Durable en Champagne) et HVE (Haute Valeur Environnementale), c’est naturellement que nous avons voulu aller plus loin. Depuis septembre 2020, notre exploitation est donc en conversion biologique et sera certifié AB en 2024.

Au delà des labels et des certifications notre vignoble se veut tourné vers une viticulture de l'avenir où le monde du vivant et du végétal sont en harmonie. Une symbiose entre l'homme et la biodiversité afin que chacun trouve sa place et que la magie opère. Nous cultivons notre domaine avec une vison holistique c'est à dire que nous prenons en compte l'environnement qui nous entoure et sommes à l'écoute des éléments afin d'essayer de comprendre ce que la nature nous délivre comme message. 

Plus de la moitié de notre parcellaire se situe sur un fond de vallon bordé de prairie et de forêt, ou les moines cisterciens, jadis, avaient historiquement déjà élus domicile  nous avons à coeur de faire de cet endroit un havre de paix, emprunt d'ouverture et de reconnexion. Un lieu qui se veut à la fois culturel avec la découverte des vignes et du métier de vigneron et ressourçant par son atmosphère apaisante et ressourçante.









Listening and preservation

We make it a point of honour to be attentive to the needs of our vines. We believe that it is up to us to adapt to the vine rather than the vine to the needs of man.
This method of working has allowed us, among other things, to better understand and respect the way our vines work, and to gain a deeper sense of the richness and uniqueness of our terroirs.
Complexity and aromatic mosaic emerge, to a great extent, at harvest time. This is why all our plots are given special attention during this period. We therefore carry out berry tastings and undertake parcel selections to find the perfect match that will result in the production of champagne of great finesse and elegance.


Our philosophy

Nature is alive, it teaches us every day and we grow with it.
We believe that we need to find the right balance for everyone to benefit, and even consider a mutual contribution.
This is why we have made the preservation of biodiversity and our landscapes one of our priorities. We are therefore carrying out numerous actions in this direction (re-vegetation of slopes, vitiforestry, planting hedges around parcels of land, preserving the Champagne buildings, etc.).
We are very attached to our family history and to the values that have been passed on to us. Sharing, transmission, cooperation, conviviality, passion and smile are our watchwords.


The notions of past, present and future are important to us. The vine being a perennial plant, its roots allow us to remain anchored to the ground and not to forget who we are. In November, we start a new wine year, without knowing what nature has in store for us. Whether the year is good or bad, it reminds us at every moment that we must live in the now, always with a benevolent eye. 
In life, nothing is ever taken for granted! We must always be adaptable for the future. At Domaine Les Echalas, we constantly seek improvement and new perspectives. "Because often, to find something, you must first look for it." More than a job, being a winegrower is a passion.

Who are we ?

We are Julien and Emilie Perron, we grew up together in the same small village of Meurville, never far from the vine rows. Our parents both had vineyards.
After we had each gone our own way for our studies, in 2006 Cupid came into play and we soon found each other.
It is quite naturally that in 2007, the first fruit of our love, Manon, was born, followed by her little brother Théo, in 2010.


  • Blason
  • Balade à vélo
  • Dégustation champagne
  • Dégustation dans les vignes
  • Les vignes
  • Mise en place du blason
  • Photo Qualisterra
  • Photo Qualisterra

In 2008, we created "Le Domaine Les Echalas". Eager to be totally free in our choices and our cultivation methods, we decided to move away from the family business managed by Julien's mother to create our own vineyard. Our farm is then made up of two and a half hectares of vines from uncles and aunts. Concerned about putting our wishes and convictions into practice, we immediately adopted an integrated method of cultivation in our plots, starting with grass cover-cropping. 
Willing to entirely control the management of our vineyard, we had to borrow considerably in order to acquire equipment and storage buildings.
At 22 years old, we had to be very persuasive to convince our different partners and find our place in the wine world. Fortunately, there were two of us and we already had a lot of courage and character on board.


Over the years, as the estate grew, we had to adapt.  We now manage eleven hectares of vines. As our work has borne fruit, the urge to achieve more has also grown, and from an integrated culture, we have gone into organic conversion since 2020.
Given our desire to add even more meaning to our work, to share it, to participate to the development of the region and to put a smile on people's faces, we have embarked on a new challenge in 2019, wine tourism, by creating the Qualisterra project.  As the values of cooperation are an integral part of our DNA, it is quite natural that we decided to join forces with the Devaux Champagne House, with whom we have worked since the beginning and share common values. Since July 2021 and after two years of work, we are very happy to welcome you and to invite you to discover our world.

Nous contacter

A family story


For more than eight generations, our family has been cultivating the vine. But it was in the 1960s that the Perron family really decided to make it their main activity. Armand Perron and his two oldest children, Jean-Claude and Jean-Michel, took the crazy gamble of embarking on this new adventure: growing vines. Bear in mind that at the time "owning two cows or a square of land was more profitable than growing a piece of vineyard".
While Armand, Jean Claude and Jean-Michel worked tirelessly to create and shape what was to become our vineyard, the family as a whole lived to the rhythm of the seasons and the rough years. They quickly learned that if nature was capable of giving them a lot, it could also take everything away.

Convinced and passionate about this culture, they worked hard to achieve their goal. Successively, they learned how to graft vines, worked with fir wood to make vine stakes, and carried out hundreds of notarised exchanges so that everyone could benefit. They were also co-founders, along with five other people, of the Gaston Cheq wine cooperative to foster greater equity between winegrowers and merchants, and develop a high-performance production tool. 
They sought to implement the famous adage that states "alone we go faster, together we go further".
Armand even went all the way to Paris to present his figures to a committee so that wine loans could be granted. These new loans would allow the smallest winegrowers to acquire new land and plant new vines. This led to his appointment as a director of a renowned bank for the rest of his life.
Loving more than anything else their profession and sharing, they have passed on their values to us.


Concerned and admiring the work of our elders, we make it a point of honour to respect and preserve our vineyard while adapting our practices and philosophy for future generations.

  • Caisses de raisins
  • Vue sur le vignoble